Home Self-Help 9 Easy Ways to Stay Committed to Your Goals

9 Easy Ways to Stay Committed to Your Goals

by Doloquee
10 minutes read
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Do you usually set goals but find it hard to stay committed to them? Are you no longer motivated about your goals, and do you want to find a remedy for them? Whatsoever your situation might be, you are in the right place to get the solution.

Everyone has a primary goal – whether you write it or not. But staying committed to these goals has been a problem for most people. The difficult task people often face is remaining dedicated to what they want to achieve.

To solve this problem and break things down very quickly, I have created this strategy guide listing nine easy ways to stay committed to your goals.

Why staying committed to your goals is essential?

Nobody wants to set goals and fail at achieving them, right? When you stay committed to your goals, you become focused and steadfast in achieving the desired result. You won’t be distracted by unimportant things that will keep you away.

Commitment helps you stick to your goals during good times and bad times – when things get tough. It is a strong indicator that shows how disciplined and persistent you are in accomplishing your results.

When you commit yourself to your goals, you agree that you need to achieve something better than the everyday things you have. Let’s take a look at nine easy ways that you can stay committed to your goals.

write down your goals

book and pen - stay committed

The first step to get yourself committed to your plans is writing them down – it could be in a notebook, a journal or anywhere possible. You are giving your mind awareness by carrying out this method.

By writing down your goals, you are specific and clear on what you want to achieve. You will lose focus if you are not clear on what you want to accomplish. Every time you read or view your goals, you will be reminded that certain things need to be done.

Writing down your goals narrow your focus and aligns your thoughts with your actions. We live in a world of opportunity where we have abundant choices. Without clear goals, you can become distracted and scattered.
Knowing what you want to achieve helps you manage time and increases productivity.

Start with a small goal

Most people struggle to stick to their dreams because of their magnitude. Writing big goals down without a clear understanding will only hurt you.

For example: if your goal is to read ten (10) personal development books per year, you can start by reading six (6) pages every day. Six pages X 365 days will be 2,190 pages. This number of pages will amount to ten 217-page personal development books.

Do you see the power of breaking your goals down into smaller pieces? Whether it is a long-term or short-term goal, break it into a manageable format. By making your goal smaller, you empower yourself to achieve it without extra motivation.

Focus on more minor victories

two ladies celebrating - stay committed

Focusing on smaller achievements directly aligns with the second method. When your goal is to read six pages like the example above, focus on accomplishing this task every day.

It will take time to start seeing the significant result of the overall goal. Focusing on more minor victories along the way gives you the self-confidence you need to forge ahead. It is self-empowering to know that you are on the right path.

Rather than trying to do something extraordinary from the beginning, start small and gradually improve. One per cent improvements add up surprisingly fast. So do one per cent declines.

Always have the end in mind

A glass light bulb - stay committed

There are times when things might not be right with you but always have the end in mind. It can be easy to lose sight of your goals. Before you think about quitting, you should never forget why you started.

You’ll realize that what you’re going through right now is temporary and that it doesn’t define who you are as a person. Learn to be proactive in handling this type of situation. Since tough times and mistakes are inevitable for everyone, you need to learn to cope with mechanisms not to give up.

Find Accountability Partner

Accountability is one of the critical components in staying committed to your goals. Self-motivation is extremely difficult. While you need it to be successful, it is advisable to look up to someone who will help to keep you accountable.

When I was a beginner in web development, I failed to progress many days. I was draining all my energy on the computer, but I wasn’t going anywhere. It was until I met a mentor who became my accountability partner.

In no time, I became speeding up my development time, and everything started to get better for my good. It happens because I had someone to critique my work and make meaningful suggestions on areas of improvement.

Being accountable allows an impartial observer to assess your work. It is advisable to work with people who have walked your path or have a similar experience. An accountability partner can help you stay committed to your goals.

Give yourself a day to rest

Have you woken up to a day where you feel so tired that you cannot do the tiniest of things? It is entirely normal. Sometimes taking time off is the best thing to get closer to your goals.

Do not burn out! Give yourself time to rest. While you would like to commit yourself to work every day, knowing that your body needs rest is essential. Take a break when it is appropriate.

Research has shown that missing your habit once, no matter when it occurs, has no measurable impact on your long-term progress. Rather than trying to be perfect, abandon your all-or-nothing mentality.

It would be best if you focused on consistency, not perfection.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

To commit to your goals, always hang around like-minded people. Social Media has made this method easy to accomplish. Whatever your goals may be, many people have similar plans to yours.

Search your preferred social media app to find people committed to doing the same thing as you. You could also create an in-person group of like-minded people. For example: If your goal is to reduce weight, you could link up with people in your environment who have the same purpose.

Revisit your goals frequently

You need to revisit your goals frequently. It might not be daily, but it should be something that you make a regular habit of. Are there things you are doing right or wrong? Evaluate these things and adjust your modes of working accordingly.

Be sure to construct all the necessary checkpoints. Keep updating your goals as you go along.

Be patient with yourself

A symbol of patience - stay committed

while you intend to stay committed and achieve your goals, it is no doubt that you need to be patient with yourself.

Sometimes your progress might seem slow but always remember that you are a work in progress. Do not compare your journey with others. Follow all the described tips in this post.

To stay committed to your goals, you need to work hard on nurturing these tips. You should constantly be doing things in your career to remind yourself of your goals and stay on track.

Final Thought

When you commit yourself to your goals, you agree that you need to achieve something better than the everyday things you have. Commitment comes with obedience and persistence. You will get the best result when combining these tips and sticking to them. Rather than trying to do something extraordinary from the beginning, start small and gradually improve. One per cent improvements add up surprisingly fast. So do one per cent declines.

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