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About Us

Our world today is faced with a lot of social issues and injustices. Politicians and people in higher offices are misusing power while the vast majority of our population can barely afford two square meals a day.

Health facilities are in devastating condition. Rape is increasing simultaneously, and violence against women and children is rising. The security sector is under-staff, and the list goes on.

At SI News Blog, we discuss everything that affects our society. Our platform is poised with the responsibility to advocate on behalf of the less fortunate and underprivileged.

SI News Blog respects every person irrespective of their status in life.

Goal/Mission Statement

Our mission at SI News Blog is to bring you all the information as it happens. We also speak against issues that affect our people’s livelihood while promoting positive things that impact our World.

Core Values

Our Core values are:

Impartiality – We give impartial information regardless of who would be affected.

Commitment – Every member of this team is committed to upholding this company’s goal and mission statement.

Humility – In all our doing, we are always humble, providing the needed service to our audience.

Integrity – Our team stands for what is correct at all times.

Passion – we love what we do, so we do it with all our minds.

Credibility – We don’t just post anything; we verify every piece of information before posting.

Meet Our CEO

Doloquee M. Bedell, Jr. is the founder and CEO of SI News Blog, a multi-niche blog that provides quality information about personal development, writing tips, governance, entertainment, and others. He specializes in Information Technology (IT) with over three years of professional experience working and helping others as a Web Developer/Programmer.

Doloquee is a passionate writer whose mission is to inspire, inform and speak against ills that affect people’s livelihoods. His life goal is to help make the world a better place for everyone who gets in contact with him and help people live up to their full potential. Doloquee likes to read Self-Help books, learn Spanish or spend time with his family & friends in his free time.

Our Company

SI News Blog is your one-stop destination for all the latest news and updates from around Africa! We work tirelessly to bring you the news as it happens, so you never miss a beat. Whether it’s breaking news, politics, entertainment, or cultural events, we’ve got you covered. 


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