Home Liberia Liberia: House Speaker Defends Decision to Pass Pres. Joseph Boakai’s Special Budget

Liberia: House Speaker Defends Decision to Pass Pres. Joseph Boakai’s Special Budget

by Doloquee
2 minutes read
J. Fonati Koffa

Cllr. Jonathan Fonati Koffa, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, has stood firm on the Representatives’ recent decision to approve the President’s Special Budget, emphasizing that it was necessary to prevent a government shutdown.

Last week, the House passed a special budget of US$41.3 million for February, as requested by President Joseph Boakai. This decision came following the President’s appeal to utilize the funds while the administration finalizes the draft 2024 national budget for submission to the Legislature.

The House’s decision was based on the recommendation of its Joint Committee on Ways, Means, Finance, and Public Accounts and Expenditure, led by Rep. Dixon Seboe of Montserrado County District #16. Subsequently, the budget was forwarded to the Liberian Senate, which reportedly concurred and sent it to the President for approval.

Despite the majority support, some lawmakers, including Rep. Musa Bility, raised concerns about the legality and transparency of the budget. Rep. Bility emphasized the need for clarity regarding debt payments and argued that the request for additional funds violated Liberia’s Public Financial Management Law.

J. Fonati Koffa
J. Fonati Koffa – House Speaker

Addressing legislative reporters, Speaker Koffa defended the decision, asserting it was a justified political move aligned with the law. He highlighted the unprecedented step taken by the Legislature to allow the administration to adjust the draft budget, making the approval of the special budget essential to prevent any disruption, especially in salary payments to civil servants.

“I was not willing to jeopardize civil servants’ salaries for political gain. While opposing the government might have garnered praise, it would have left people unpaid,” stated Speaker Koffa during a press roundtable at the Capitol.

Responding to criticism about the budget’s detail and review process, Speaker Koffa assured that the Joint Committee meticulously scrutinized the budget, with the chairman providing comprehensive explanations. He emphasized the importance of an impartial review devoid of political bias, underscoring the significance of ensuring the budget’s effectiveness and compliance with national standards.

“In evaluating the budget, we must consider its overall impact and not succumb to political divisions. This $41.3 million budget meets the necessary criteria,” Speaker Koffa affirmed.

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Liberia: President Boakai Submits 2024 Budget to House of Representatives Amidst Fiscal Scrutiny – SI News Blog March 18, 2024 - 4:26 pm

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