Home Self-Help 30 Powerful & Positive Affirmations That Will Start Your Day Right

30 Powerful & Positive Affirmations That Will Start Your Day Right

by Doloquee
10 minutes read
Positive & Powerful Affirmations

Do you know that reading out Positive Affirmations loud is one of the most effective tools for quickly becoming the person you need to be in other to achieve everything you want in your life? A study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience revealed that practicing self-affirmation activates the reward centers in your brain.

Different studies also substantiate that positive affirmation: decreases health-deteriorating stress, increases the number of exercise people does, helps you eat more fruit and vegetables, and achieve better academic results.

Positive & Powerful Affirmations

What Are Positive Affirmations, and how do they work?

Affirmations are positive phrases and statements that are repeated to help challenge negative thoughts and encourage positive changes in your life. From motivation to self-esteem, finding joy in the little things, or removing negative self-talk, positive affirmations are designed to help individuals learn to see the positive side of life.

Writing these affirmations is one thing; staying committed to them is another. Make sure to recite them out loud to yourself every day.

Whether or not you realize it, endless talking to oneself is not just for mad people. Every one of us has an internal dialogue that runs through our heads, almost non-stop. Most of it is unknown; we don’t intentionally choose the conversation. Instead, we allow our past experiences (both good and bad) to replay continuously. Not only is this completely normal, but it is also one of the most critical processes for each of us to learn about and master. Yet, very few people take responsibility for actively choosing to think positive, proactive thoughts that will add value to their lives.

What constitutes good Positive Affirmations?

According to Steven Covey, author of the bestselling book – Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, good affirmations have five essential ingredients: it’s personal, it’s positive, it’s present tense, it’s visual, and it’s emotional.

So, I might write something like this: “It is deeply satisfying (emotional) that I (personal) respond (present tense) with wisdom, love, firmness, and self-control (positive) when my children misbehave.”

Affirmations and Visualization come in pairs – you first use the right side of your brain to visualize what you need, then you can write commitments that will align with what you envision. Here is an article on how to stay committed to a habit.

What do we think?

Our brains have been taught to think, believe, and act the way they do through the subconscious minds. The attitudes we exhibit result from different influences: the things people tell us, the way go about doing something, or the experiences we face in life – whether good or bad.

Some of us have attitudes that make it easy for us to be happy and prosperous, while others, possibly the majority, have attitudes that make life difficult. The more you think of good thoughts, the better your life becomes, and the same is true for the opposite.

The good thing is that you can use positive affirmations to change your thought and be whoever you want to be in life. Once you write affirmations down and repeat them consistently, your subconscious mind will start to live by them.

Positive & Powerful Affirmations

5 Steps to Creating Your Positive Affirmations

While we will be giving you our thirty best positive affirmations that will start your day successfully, we will also be teaching you how to go about creating your affirmations using these simple steps.

Step 1: What Do You Really Want?

The number one purpose of positive affirmation is to program your mind with strong beliefs and attitudes toward your goals’ accomplishment. Before writing down your affirmations, clearly identify what exactly you want to achieve in your life.

The organization is vital: you can organize your affirmations in a way that reflects the key things that you want to focus on – health, emotions, finances, relationships, and others.

Step 2: Why Do You Want It

After identifying what you want, the next question is, “why do you want it?”. Everyone wants the best things in life but wanting the best things is just a mere wish. Knowing why exactly you need the best things will motivate you to accomplish them.

Before drafting your affirmations, one thing that should come to your mind is why you want to achieve them –knowing your “why” is the best thing you can do for yourself in this life.

Step 3: Who Do You want to be?

“who do you want to be?” is the next big question you will ask yourself. For instance: If you want to be a successful computer programmer, your affirmations should be directed at things that will make you a successful programmer.

Step 4: What Are You Going to do to Attain It

Which actions will you need to take consistently to make your vision for your ideal life a reality?

Do you want to lose weight? Your affirmation might say something like: I am 100% committed to going to the gym five days a week and running on the treadmill for a minimum of 20 minutes.

30 of Our Favorite Positive Affirmations

The list below is thirty of our favorite positive affirmations – in no specific order – that will make a massive difference in your day.

Positive & Powerful Affirmations

Note: These are general affirmations – health, wealth, spiritual, calmness, etc. – that can be applied in every area of your life. Feel free to customize them in a way that will satisfy you.

  1. I am now living in the most productive and most prosperous moment ever in my life.
  2. Today and every other day is a fruitful and successful day in my life.
  3. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and friends.
  4. I am constantly growing and evolving into a better person.
  5. I wake up every morning ready for a new day of exciting possibilities.
  6. I have God’s divine power to create all the success and prosperity I desire.
  7. I am incredibly passionate about constantly being better and more successful.
  8. Others look up to me as a leader because of my confidence and integrity.
  9. I am self-reliant, creative, and persistent in whatever I do
  10. Everything in the universe is happening for my ultimate good.
  11. I have a healthy body, a peaceful mind, and a vibrant soul.
  12. I am a great public speaker. My thoughts are powerful.
  13. I am turning down the volume of negativity in my life while simultaneously turning up the volume of positivity.
  14. The best is yet to come; I’m rising above the thoughts that are trying to make me angry or afraid.
  15. Every day, I am getting closer to achieving my goals.
  16. I must remember the incredible power I possess within me to achieve anything I desire.
  17. I am going to forgive myself and free myself. I deserve to forgive and be forgiven.
  18. I do not engage with people who try to penetrate my mind with unhelpful thoughts and ideas.
  19. I set goals and go after them with all the determination I can muster. My skills and talents will take me to places that amaze me when I do this.
  20. Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.
  21. Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given.
  22. I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.
  23. Today I rise with a powerful thought to set the tone and allow success to reverberate through every moment of my day.
  24. Through the power of my thoughts and words, incredible transformations are happening in me and within my life right now.
  25. I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power, and confidence of mind and heart.
  26. I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions.
  27. I have been given endless talents, which I begin to utilize today.
  28. My soul radiates from the inside and warms the souls of others.
  29. A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love.
  30. I am guided in my every step by Spirit, who leads me towards what I must know and do.
Positive & Powerful Affirmations

Final Thought

Now that you have a list of positive affirmations that you can practice daily add them to your morning routine. Make sure to read our guide on successful morning routines that will make your day more productive.

Since we taught a simple way to create your own positive affirmations, you can go ahead and follow the pattern. The aim is to create a communication channel that motivates you to achieve your goals. It would be best if you were consistent with reading your daily affirmations. Finally, it would help to keep in mind that your affirmations will not be a final draft because you will keep updating as you go along the way.

Let us know in the comment section your favorite positive affirmations on the list. If you create yours, please feel free to share it with us in the comment section also.

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