Home Self-Help 4 Ways Visualization Can Help You Achieve Your Goals Easily

4 Ways Visualization Can Help You Achieve Your Goals Easily

by Doloquee
8 minutes read
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Visualization is one of the most powerful tools anyone can use to accomplish their goals. This practice has been tested in many fields, and the results have proven to be positive and effective. Most of the world’s top celebrities have added visualization as part of their routine.

Many highly successful individuals like Bill Gates, Anthony Robbins, Tiger Woods, Oprah, and others have advocated the use of visualization, claiming that it has played a significant role in their success.

Lindsey Vonn, one of the most successful female skiers in history, had this to say about visualization: “I always visualize the run before I do it. By the time I get to the start gate, I’ve run that race 100 times already in my head, picturing how I’ll take turns.”

When you combine visualization and affirmations, you will get the best possible results. Kindly check our guide on affirmations. Now that you’ve heard a little about visualization let’s take a look at what is visualization.

What Is Visualization?

Visualization is a mental rehearsal, where we create mental images or maps to achieve objectives or goals. Visualization is an everyday activity, often used to communicate abstract or concrete ideas. We repeatedly visualize specific outcomes because it reminds us of what we want to achieve. It builds confidence and motivates us to pursue our dreams.

Benefits of Visualization

Visualization comes with lots of benefits – from science to spirituality. You can’t go wrong with envisioning your thoughts. Here are five of the many benefits of visualization.

The feeling of Achievement before Realization

With constant visualization, you get the feeling of achieving things before even realizing it. Here is an example: I applied for a very competitive scholarship during my third year at university. It was my first time applying for a scholarship, and the process was agitated as the scholarship provider wanted 20 people in the entire country—such a difficult one.

I followed all the processes and submitted my application. After my submission, I will wake up every morning to practice my daily routine. During my visualization process, I would imagine myself walking up to the school bulletin where I would see my name placed for the interview.

I regularly visualize every morning to the extent that I felt my name was already placed up for the interview. Guess what? One day while sitting with my friend (Mayah), I received a call from a lady inviting me for an interview.

Physically my name was not placed on a bulletin as in my imagination, but I got the needed result. I did the same method for the interview, and boom, I was selected as one of the successful candidates. My acceptance was based on God’s intervention and many factors, but visualization was one of them.

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Visualization Can Help You Reduce Stress

Let’s say you are a person who is afraid of public speaking. Suddenly, the administration chose you to speak in Infront of hundreds of people in your school auditorium. Now, visualize yourself presenting your speech with calmness and relaxation. Imagine yourself walking up on the stage with confidence and a positive mental attitude.

By doing this every time, your stress level can reduce. This benefit does not only apply to public speaking fear but to any area of your life.

Visualization Can Increase Motivation

What if your new year resolution is to read twelve books per year? Successfully imagining yourself following all the steps, putting the necessary plan together, and achieving the goals will give you extra motivation.

Visualize with all your mind and add lots of emotion to it. Seeing yourself accomplishing your goal is an extra motivation by itself.

Visualization Can Help You Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

We all have an endless internal dialogue every time in our brains. These thoughts are often negative and discouraging to your growth, especially when you are going through tough times.

Words like: “I can’t make it again,” “life is so unfair for me,” and others keep fluctuating in our minds every day. The truth is if we don’t get rid of these bad thoughts, they will shape our lives in these directions.

By visualizing regularly, you make your mind aware of what to think about. Every time things start to go wrong, you will checkmate yourself quickly. Always remember that you are what you think. The more positive your thoughts are, the better you become, and the opposite is also true.

Visualization Improves Performance

Most of the world’s top athletes have added visualization to their daily routine. Dr. Charles Garfield did an extensive research on peak performers, both in athletics and business. In his study, he disclosed that almost all world-class athletes and other peak performers are visualizers.

They see it; they feel it; they experience it before they can do it.

4 Ways To Visualize Properly

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Put yourself in readiness

There are so many ways to prepare yourself to visualize effectively. Some people love to play instrumental music in the background during their visualization. Few others find it appropriate to lie down on their bed and close their eyes.

But the preferred way is to sit up tall in a comfortable position – this can be on a chair, floor, etc. You can experiment with the various methods and choose what works for you.

Visualize What You Want

This step is where your mission statement comes in. what is it you want to achieve. Visualize your significant goals, deepest desires, and your most exciting dreams. Involve all your senses to maximize the effectiveness of your imagination. The more clearly you can visualize what you want, the more compelled you will take the necessary actions.

Create A Vision Board

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While many of us visualize naturally, many people don’t visualize all by themselves. They suffered from a condition called Aphantasia. Aphantasia is the inability to form mental images of objects that are not present.

If you suffer from Aphantasia or simply prefer seeing something tangible, consider using a visual board for your visualization. A vision board is a collection of photographs and images that remind you of your goals and narrow your focus.

See Yourself Winning

You don’t want to keep yourself in a mental space where there is no clear understanding of what’s going on. After following all the steps above, the next is to see yourself accomplishing your goals.

Create a vivid picture; make it real and believe that you can achieve it.

Visualization combined with affirmation is one of the easiest ways to achieve your goals. Please pay close attention to these steps as they will help you get the best results. Happy Reading!

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