Home Self-Help 7 Negative Effects of Social Media on Your Life

7 Negative Effects of Social Media on Your Life

by Doloquee
8 minutes read
social media

Nowadays, social media has taken the vast majority of our time. While it helps us accomplish lots of things, there are so many harmful effects it has on our life.

Unlike the traditional ways of doing things, where we had to do almost everything offline, the new age of technology brought many goodies into existence, including social media.

Since social media has begun to dominate our society, many people can not go a minute without checking the notifications on their phones. And if you are one of them, you are a victim of the bad outcomes social media has on your life.

A 2019 study of more than 6,500 12- to 15-year-olds in the U.S. found that those who spent more than three hours a day using social media might be at heightened risk for mental health problems.

Let’s look at seven negative results social media has on your life.

Social Media is time-consuming

Part of the fundamental goal of those who created social networks is to keep you scrolling frequently. The more you scroll, the longer you stay, and the longer you remain, the more advertisement they will show you. My buddy Barry and I can typically call it the “world of endless scrolling.”

Social media addiction can be as dangerous as cigarettes and liquor. You want to see everyone who has liked or commented on your photos, people who have posted new pictures or videos, and many others.

You can spend hours on various social networks without even noticing it. Imagine if you have a couple of deadlines to meet at your office or with a personal task, social media can become an obstacle to meeting those deadlines.

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Doloquee M. Bedell, jr.

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Fear Of Missing Out

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a phenomenon that became prominent around the same time as the rise of social media. It is one of the widespread adverse effects of social networks on society.

The “fear of missing out” is the idea that you might miss out on something if you are not online. This attitude can lead you to constantly check on the media to see whether you are missing out on something important. Studies have shown that it can affect your mental health.

With increased social network use, there’s a better chance for you to see that someone is having more fun than you are right now. And that’s what causes FOMO.

Diverts You From Your Goals

One of the biggest dangers of social media is it distracts you from accomplishing your goals. People have many great objectives, but social media addiction will not allow them to achieve them.

Goals achievements are mostly painful while staying on social media is painless. It is effortless to keep giving excuses for things that will bring you fulfillment than things that will bring you amusement.

That is why social media is one of the leading causes of procrastination in our daily life.

Less Sleeping Time

The light emitted from your screens tricks your mind into thinking it’s not time for you to sleep, which can cause one of the most common adverse effects of social media: sleep deprivation. Getting enough sleep each night is already difficult enough without extra complications.

One study on teenagers found that “heavier social media use was associated with poorer sleep patterns.” The same is often true for adults who come home, crash on the couch, and spend the rest of the evening surfing social media only to find that midnight has come and gone.

Encourages Fake Life

Social media usage took another unfavorable impact when many youths started faking their personalities. Too many people are sad in real life and pretentiously happy on social media.

More to this point, people tend to impress others with what they don’t have, leading many young people into unfair acts. Women are doing unusual things to keep up with the trends.

Social Media Poise Damage to the Eyes

The time we spend staring at our screens is time we spend exposing our eyes to blue light. Many eye doctors are concerned about the effects our screen time could have on our vision and our health, and the main cause of that concern is blue light.

There is growing medical evidence that blue light exposure may cause permanent eye damage. Blue light contributes to the destruction of the cells in the center of the retina and plays a role in causing age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to vision loss. The risk is higher in females than males.

Lack of Privacy

Have you, in your free time, read any of the social media app privacy? If you have not, please try to do. Social network owners sell your data to ads company.

This exposure of your data for profits means there is basicallly no privacy to your personal information. Get me right; they are not exposing your data to harmful people. They are using your information to know which types of advertisement to bring your way.

Increase in Cyberbullying

While social media makes it easier to meet new people and friends, it also enables cruel people to tear into others with little effort. Perpetrators of bullying can use the anonymity that (some) social networks provide to gain people’s trust and then terrorize them in front of their peers. For instance, they might create a fake profile and act friendly to a classmate, then later betray and embarrass them online.

Cyberbullying, whether it is directed at you or not, will lead to more negative thoughts and likely a more negative perspective on humanity as a whole.

The Bottom Line

Social media is a fantastic and fun place to be when used correctly. The feeling of staying connected to your friends is exceptional but do not overdo them.

If you want to get the best of social networks, stay away from negativities and only use them for their purpose. Reduce the amount of time that you spend on social media. Be conscious of everything you do there.

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