Home Liberia Alexander Cummings Strongly Denies Gay Allegations Amidst Presidential Campaign

Alexander Cummings Strongly Denies Gay Allegations Amidst Presidential Campaign

by Doloquee
3 minutes read
Alexander Cummings

In the midst of his presidential campaign for the upcoming October 10 polls, Alexander Cummings, one of the frontrunners on the Collaborating Political Parties ticket, has vehemently denied allegations of being involved in homosexual activities. The former Coca-Cola executive termed the accusations as baseless and stated that they are part of a smear campaign launched by his opponents.

The allegations first surfaced in 2017, during his initial bid for the presidency, but Cummings firmly maintains that there is no evidence to link him to such claims. Speaking to the media, Cummings expressed frustration at the attempts to tarnish his reputation, stating, “They can’t tell you I have stolen from anyone in Liberia or anywhere in the world. But all they have to say is that I am a gay man, and that’s nonsense because I am not. I am a God-fearing man who believes in God.”

To emphasize his stance, Cummings proudly declared his 40-year-long marriage to his wife, Theresa Cummings, with whom he has been blessed with two children and five grandchildren. Despite the baseless rumors circulating against him, Cummings maintains that he possesses a clean record and is focused on his vision to improve the socio-economic conditions of the Liberian people.

However, the accusations have the potential to harm Cummings’ presidential campaign, as homosexuality remains illegal in Liberia, and societal attitudes towards it are generally hostile. His rivals are exploiting this issue to target his popularity, as a majority of the population opposes the idea of electing a gay president.

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Nonetheless, Cummings is determined not to let these allegations hinder his campaign. He called on Liberians to focus on policy substance rather than be swayed by smear campaigns. “So, the truth is, if they can’t blame you for being corrupt or refer to you as a man who fought a war, they’ll find or try by all means to lie about you. And those who see me in said path as gay are all nonsense people,” Cummings asserted.

While vehemently denying the rumors and any support for gay practice, Cummings emphasized that he has never been a proponent of gay rights and has no intention of legalizing homosexuality if elected as President.

Despite facing criticism, Cummings has garnered significant support from various segments of the population. Reverend Dominion Roberts of the Kingdom Legislators and other pastors endorsed Cummings, lauding him for his Godly values, character, and competence. They believe Cummings is capable of lifting Liberia and its citizens out of poverty.

As the election approaches, Cummings and his supporters are determined to focus on the positive aspects of his campaign and the vision he has for a better Liberia. The endorsement of religious leaders and influential figures signals a growing momentum in his favor. As Reverend Dominion Roberts aptly put it, “This election will be the beginning of the rise of this nation, depending on how we vote.” The path to Liberia’s future now hinges on the collective choice of its citizens.

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