Home Politics Boakai—Nyonblee Ticket: Biggest winners, Losses, and everything you need to know

Boakai—Nyonblee Ticket: Biggest winners, Losses, and everything you need to know

by Doloquee
6 minutes read

What started as a fundraiser ended as a massive political announcement as several senior political members took to social media to openly declare Nyonblee Kargan Lawrence as vice running mate to Joseph N. Boakai for the pending General and Presidential elections in 2023.

During the weekend, Nyonblee Kargan Lawrence faction of Liberty Party had a fundraiser in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County — generating over 78,000 USD from the party’s supporters. In attendance were Joseph N. Boakai — former Vice President of the Republic of Liberia — and the Unity Party Leadership past and present.

While the program was ongoing, many partisans involving Mo Ali — former Secretary General of the Unity Party — took to social media to inform the public about a JNB and NKL ticket for the 2023 elections. As you may be aware, the Unity Party and Nyonblee’s faction of the Liberty Party broke away from the Collaboration Political Parties (CPP), a conglomeration of four political parties intended to unseat President George Weah.

The CPP was founded in 2020 and went loose after two years of its existence. Due to egos and selfish political goals, the Collaborating Political Parties couldn’t maintain their momentum — thereby losing some members. Since Boakai’s party left the collaboration, it has been a tough choice to choose a running mate as everyone initially expected a Boakai—Cummings ticket or vice-versa.

Now that Mo Ali and others have pronounced the decision, there are many different views on social media. Let’s look at the biggest winners and losers of the latest political decision by the Unity Party and the Liberty Party.

Winner: President Weah

President George M. Weah is the biggest winner in this entire debate. For way too long, opposition leaders and their members have had high hope of unseating the current Liberian President. With this recent political decision, it is no doubt that a Boakai-Nyonblee ticket is a weaker choice than a Boakai-Cummings ticket.

If there is a person happy with this selection, it would be President Weah. Mr. Boakai, who is a serious contender for the Liberian Presidency, would have himself to blame should things turn against him.

Loser: Joseph N. Boakai

While President Weah is the biggest winner, Joseph Nyumah Boakai, on the other hand, is the biggest loser in the whole saga. In 2017, Amb. Boakai ended as first runner-up — obtaining less than 40 percent of the overall votes in the second round.

With the many challenges citizens face, they have often looked up to Joe Boakai and his would-be running mate as a better alternative. Choosing the Senator as vice running mate would be one of the worst mistakes the former Vice President can ever make.

The worst part for the former VP is that the upcoming elections could basically be his last due to his age and health condition.

Madam Karnga on the left, Amb. Boakai on the right

Winner: Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence

Another winner in the Boakai-Nyonblee combination is Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence. Madam Karnga-Lawrence is currently the incumbent Senator of Grand Bassa County.

She cemented her place during the 2020 midterm senatorial elections. She secured her seat in the Liberian Senate up to 2029. This awareness means that madam Karnga has absolutely nothing to lose — whether they win or not.

After all, she will still be a lawmaker in the Liberian Senate. Her ascendency as vice running mate to Boakai will be a nice try to test her popularity but at the expense of Amb. Boakai.

Loser: Unity Party

After ruling Liberia for twelve unbroken years, the Unity Party’s only hope for gaining power again is for them to up a formidable force against George Weah.

Boakai-Nyonblee ticket is not strong enough to make their dream come true. If the Unity Party can not obtain power through Amb. Boakai, attaining authority through another person will be a mere dream.

Winner: Henry Costa and co

When the CPP had their internal wrangling, Henry Costa was one person who fuelled gas into the conflict every morning. The popular talk show host is a purported supporter of the former Vice President — although people have accused him of supporting President Weah secretly.

According to reliable sources, Henry Costa was in favor of the CPP destabilization because he wanted more voice in the decision-making process of the Unity and the All Liberian Party.

At this point, Mr. Costa and co have already started making decisions for the party. It is a record that he has supported both Amb. Boakai and President Weah separately in the last few year. First, it was President Weah — when he took power newly; Now, he is supporting the former Vice President.

Loser: The Liberian People

Amidst the present tribulations in the country, the Boakai-Nyonblee ticket is a huge loss to the Liberian people that believed in them. The corridor is noisy with bad feelings, as many termed the combination “Not Winnable.”

Liberians calling for new leadership could see their quest dash for the sake of compromise.

Whatever way it goes, there are still lots of room for improvement. Until the final registrations with the National Election Commission, Amb. Boakai can still work his way through with proper correction.

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