Home Entertainment City Court Judge Arrests ‘Gary The Blogger’ for Posting B. Urey and Her Ex-boyfriend

City Court Judge Arrests ‘Gary The Blogger’ for Posting B. Urey and Her Ex-boyfriend

by Doloquee
3 minutes read
Gary the blogger

Monrovia — What was meant to be the happiest day for Gary The Blogger turned out to be the worst as City Court Judge issued an arrest warrant for the blogger on his birthday.

Gary N. Noring had gone to Seny Night Club, where he had planned to celebrate his birthday and his blog’s sixth anniversary.

While en route for his celebration, reports say a writ of arrest was already awaiting him. He got arrested and jailed, leaving his fans based who had gone to cheer him in awe.

What Did Gary Do?

On February 14, 2023, “Gary The Blogger” posted a photo of Benita Urey and her ex-boyfriend wishing them a happy Valentine’s day in a trolling manner.

As other bloggers normally do, including Benita Urey, the post was meant to cheer fun. Little did Gary know that a Facebook post on his blog would cause him to sleep behind a bar.

What’s the relationship between Gary & Benita?

Gary N. Noring and Benita W. Urey have had a relationship of bitter-sweet moments. One moment they seem to be friendly, and another moment they are trolling each other on the internet.

They have trolled each other on a tougher level than this post.

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Reaction From the public

There have been mixed reactions on the internet. Benita Urey fans are celebrating the moment with her. She has posted multiple times on her page, and her fans are hailing the decision saying that freedom of speech comes with responsibility.

While others are hailing Nita and her Ex, tons of other people have expressed their disenchantment in the writ of arrest from Judge Jomah Jallah.

Top figures like DJ Weezy, Cross Dresser Karishma, and others have posted messages sending support to the blogger.

What are the charges against him?

Gary has been charged with Harassment, Disorderly Conduct, and Criminal Coercion

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