Home Entertainment Fans Criticize Teddyride for Childish Behavior in JZyNo’s Acceptance Post: ‘You’re Better Than That’

Fans Criticize Teddyride for Childish Behavior in JZyNo’s Acceptance Post: ‘You’re Better Than That’

by Doloquee
2 minutes read
Teddyride & JZyNo

Teddyride, a famous Liberian musician, is once again under fire from fans for his recent behavior towards fellow musician JZyNo. Yesterday, JZyNo publicly apologized to Teddyride and his management team for previous words he had spoken against them, Teddyride used the moment to throw another jab at JZyNo.

Teddyride took to his social media handle to accept JZyNo’s apology but then went on to make a derogatory comment about JZyNo’s apology. The musician then tried to brush it off as a joke, stating that he was “on his way to Ghana to buy spark plugs for his car” and that he liked “peace too.”

Fans were quick to criticize Teddyride for his childish behavior, stating that he was setting a bad example for other upcoming musicians. Many fans expressed disappointment in the musician, stating that he should be more professional and respectful towards other artists in the industry.

Read Also: JZyNo Issues Public Apology to Teddyride: A New Era of Peace, Love, and Unity for the Industry

One fan commented, “It’s disappointing to see Teddyride behaving in such a childish manner. He should be accepting JZyNo’s apology with grace and moving on, not using the moment to throw more insults. As a role model to many young fans, Teddyride should behave in a more professional manner.”

Another fan added, “Teddyride’s behavior is unacceptable. It’s time for him to grow up and start behaving like a mature adult. Fans look up to him, and he should set a positive example for them.”

It is clear that fans expect more from Teddyride and other popular musicians in the industry. They expect these musicians to behave professionally and respectfully, and to set a positive example for their fans. As the criticism continues to pour in, it remains to be seen whether Teddyride will take heed of his fans’ words and change his behavior in the future.

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