Home Lifestyle Getting Your Jue a Nut: How a Man Can Last Longer in Bed

Getting Your Jue a Nut: How a Man Can Last Longer in Bed

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Liberian women are tired and tired of complaining about not getting squirt or cum whenever they have sex and most of them have taken to social media to express how sexually annoying it can be.

This article was written by: Thomas Williams Fomba

Recently, this discourse was elevated about a day ago when women’s advocate, Vickjune Excel Wutoh took to FB cautioning men to know how to rightly find the G-spot and push their partners to get a nut during sex.

Social media began awash with mixed reactions after several posts from the activist with more and more women voicing how sexually vexing it can be that their men do not know how to find and hit the G-spot right and in the worst-case scenario have never made them come once.

No matter how vexing this may sound to some men, the truth is that drawing from the results of Facebook, most Liberian ladies have never caught a come from their partners and there may be a contributing factor to it — that their men do not last longer in bed.

If you are a guy who finds himself in this position, do not get hurt your erection is not lasting as long as you would like. As there are contributing factors to them and Online Parrot has got you covered.

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In this article, we would dig into how as a guy you can get your partner that nut or squirt and even answer the question, how can I last longer in bed?

  1. Is it erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation?

You might not be lasting as long as you would like in bed for either one or two of the reasons cited above. Premature ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction. PE causes ejaculation to happen sooner than you or your partner would like. While ED causes difficulty becoming erect or keeping a nut long enough to have penetrative sex.

The above can be two separate conditions and to address the “how to last longer in bed” question, it is important to establish which of the two (or possibly both at the same time) conditions you have. For example, someone may not find trouble getting erect but find that they are quickly getting that nut sooner than they want – indicating PE and not ED.

If someone else finds it hard to become erect, it could be hard to tell if PE is also a concern until they can stay erect all thru the sex. In this case, that person would want to meet with a doctor or a healthcare professional to get treatment for ED first. The experts say PE may no longer be a problem once ED is treated.

  1. How long does sex typically last?

Research shows that it takes a person with a dick about 5 to 7 minutes to get a nut. Though the time will vary depending on whether there is foreplay or romance.

Another study shows that the overall time for heterosexual sex is between thirty seconds and forty-four minutes.

  1. What are the contributing factors?

Stress, anxiety, and depression can all contribute to ED. Many underlying health conditions like sleep apnea, diabetes (sugar), and heart disease, as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other mental health conditions, can also play roles in not lasting longer in bed.

Age can also be a contributing factor. If you are a guy who has any of these conditions you can visit a doctor or a healthcare professional to help you solve these issues.

  1. How to treat Erectile Dysfunction?

ED as earlier explained in this article means a problem in keeping an erection long enough during penetrative sex. And to get ED treatment, drugs like sildenafil, avanafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil can all help improve erection quality and sexual habit by increasing blood flow to the penis.

However, it is important to note that there are potential side effects associated with these drugs and it is always critical to visit a doctor or pharmacist before taking any of these drugs. Most natural herbs cannot present some of the risks that the above medicines pose.

  1. Natural things you can do to last longer in bed

There are natural things men can do to stay longer in bed. Like quitting smoking, exercising, therapy, and acupuncture.

Smoking can be blamed for sexual dysfunction among other disorders and has a way to lower sperm count and viability. Therapy can also help to reduce stress and depression which have the means to contribute to ED as stated in this article.

While studies have proven that acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practiced for over 2,500 years. It can help to reduce stress, depression, and chronic pain reduction, and in return that can help to make men last longer in bed. Exercising regularly helps to also manage weight and can improve men’s sexual performance in bed. By fine-tuning your cardiovascular health, a study shows that men can also build bedroom fitness.

  1. African herbs to help you get your partner to squirt

While drugs like sildenafil (Herbal viagra), avanafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil can all help in curing ED and boost sexual fitness, African herbal medicines such as Impotex, Tiger Power, Super Love, and Ubangala, can all help in lasting longer in bed and getting your woman that nut. South Africa’s special Eriosema roots have also proven to be a cure for ED and improve sexual exercise when playing home or away matches.

Alomo Bitters can help boost sexual power but do not abuse it. Watermelon juice, banana smoothie, red wine, and action bitters, are all traditional medicines to help power that sexual squirt from your jue whenever the ball is rolling in the middle of the field.

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