Home Africa Liberia: Cllr. Moriah Yeakula-Korkpor Criticizes President Boakai’s Initial Appointments

Liberia: Cllr. Moriah Yeakula-Korkpor Criticizes President Boakai’s Initial Appointments

by Doloquee
2 minutes read
Moriah Yeakula

Cllr. Moriah Yeakula-Korkpor, Chief of Staff to Alexander B. Cummings, has expressed concern over the early actions of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, drawing parallels with his predecessor, George Weah.

Mrs. Yeakula-Korkpor raised eyebrows over President Boakai’s decision to conduct official meetings at his residence on his first day in office. She pointed out the irony in this move, given the past criticisms made against Weah for conducting official business at his Jamaica Resort home.

“JNB is today doing the same things we all criticized Weah for – running the country from Jamaica Resort,” she said.

READ ALSO:  President Joseph Boakai Appoints His First Five Cabinet Members

Addressing UP supporters who may downplay these concerns, Korkpor emphasized that excuses were not what the public expected when the Unity Party came into power. She underlined the need for a significant departure from the practices of the previous administration, urging that President Boakai should not follow the same path that led to public discontent during Weah’s tenure.

“There’s no excuse for JNB doing it too. Yall came to “rescue”, not to find an “excuse”. . . for everything,” she continued.

Furthermore, Korkpor questioned the absence of Vice President Jeremiah Kpan Koung from the Senate session. She echoed Senator Amara Konneh’s call for a genuine transformation and criticized the first list of appointments released by President Boakai, pointing out the absence of youth and women among the appointees.

“Why is the Vice President not in session and Presiding over the Senate on his first day? Like Sen. Amara Konneh said, change means change and the gold standard must be applied to this govt.”

While acknowledging the experience of the appointed individuals, Korkpor expressed disappointment in the lack of representation for the youth and women.

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“The first list of 5 appointments released last night is very disappointing. While we commend the fact that these are experienced men in their respective fields, it is disappointing that there is no youth (under 35/40) nor woman, named on that list. All 5 appointees are men over the age of 40,” the Counselor wrote.

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