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Liberia: Marine Berenice Shares Inspiring Story of Mentorship and Perseverance

by Doloquee
3 minutes read
Berenice Mulubah

Berenice Mulubah, a Liberian-American woman, has shared an inspiring story about her experience in the military and the impact of a tough-love mentor. Mulubah worked as a young marine under a female gunnery sergeant who she initially believed hated her.

“When I was a young marine, I worked for a female gunnery sergeant that I thought hated me. That lady could not leave me alone,” Mulubah recalled.

Despite her feelings towards the sergeant, Mulubah persisted and worked hard to become a corporal. On the day of her graduation, the sergeant approached her and insisted that she work directly in her office from the following day.

“I was walking to my barracks when she drove up and asked me if I needed a ride. I told her no, thanks. She insisted that I get in the car, so I did. Then, she told me that starting the next day, I would be working directly in her office. Oh, my goodness, I wanted to die,” Mulubah recounted.

Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, Mulubah asked the sergeant why she had been so hard on her. To her surprise, the sergeant replied, “Girl, I don’t hate you. When I see you, I see myself as a young Marine. I’m on you because I want you to win like I did. Don’t you want to be in my position someday? Let me teach you.”

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“Then she asked me, ‘Don’t you want to be in my position someday?’ Of course, I did. And she said, ‘Let me teach you,'” Mulubah recounted.

Over the next two years, Mulubah worked closely with the sergeant, learning from her tough-love approach and guidance. Thanks to her mentor’s influence, Mulubah was able to rise to the rank of staff non-commissioned officer.

“It’s because of her that I became a staff non-commissioned officer,” Mulubah stated.

Mulubah’s story is an important reminder that tough-love and strict guidance should not be mistaken for hatred. Strong people often show their love by pushing others to reach their full potential. With hard work, determination, and the support of mentors, individuals can overcome obstacles and achieve great things.

“Strong people normally show their love by giving you tough love because they want you to come out on top. Stay blessed, learn, and grow,” Mulubah concluded.

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