Home Liberia Liberia: President Weah ‘Brave the Weather’ to Highlight Gov’t Achievements at Campaign Rally

Liberia: President Weah ‘Brave the Weather’ to Highlight Gov’t Achievements at Campaign Rally

by Doloquee
3 minutes read
President Weah

Despite the terrible weather across the country yesterday, President George Weah took the stage to discuss his administration’s accomplishments over the past five years and outline his aspirations for the nation’s future in electoral districts 7 and 8.

The President’s remarks enlightened his administration’s dedication to development, infrastructure enhancement, and educational reform while using the podium to throw jibes at his political competitors.

Addressing the crowd, President Weah confidently asserted, “The last five years have been marked by unprecedented development more than any government in the country’s history and fixing the roads.” This statement served to underscore his administration’s focus on tangible progress, including the construction of hospitals, and roads, and notably, the implementation of tuition-free education for Liberian students.

He spoke to the electorate’s trust, asserting, “If you can’t trust anyone, you can trust me. I did nothing for you, and you voted for me, and now I have done much for you.” This sentiment seemed to encapsulate his belief in his administration’s accomplishments and commitment to fulfilling his promises.

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The President then turned his attention to comparing his administration’s actions with those of the past. He noted, “Even the Executive Mansion they want got burnt 15 years ago, and I had to come to build it after they spent 12 years in power. They would not fix it. Four years in power, I built the Executive Mansion.”

In discussing his political rivals, particularly the Boakai Rescue Agenda, President Weah offered a critical perspective. “Why call yourself a fixer when you cannot fix the mansion for twelve years? You spent 12 years in power and yet calling yourself rescue, what are you coming to rescue [than]?”

“You elected me for six years, and after two years, Coronavirus came, but I will not give an excuse because of Coronavirus because even after the two years Coronavirus took from us, I still work,” President Weah continued.

President Weah’s appeal for support marked the conclusion of his speech, as he urged voters to remember his candidacy at the polling stations. “When you go to the polling places, I know you are clever, but please check for number 18 and vote for me,” he requested, rallying his supporters to ensure that his vision continues to shape Liberia’s future.

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