Home Liberia Liberia: Senator Lawrence’s Team Beats the Clock to Rescue Critical Patients

Liberia: Senator Lawrence’s Team Beats the Clock to Rescue Critical Patients

by Doloquee
4 minutes read
LMS Hospital

Monrovia — Buchanan, Liberia – In a distressing incident, the Liberian Government Hospital (LGH) in Buchanan ran out of fuel, leaving two patients in critical condition without oxygen support. 

The hospital’s generator went off, and the nurses were reportedly helpless as they watched the patients struggle for breath.

The news came in as an emergency alert from a reliable source who reported the dire situation. According to the source, the hospital staff had no way to continue providing oxygen to the patients, and they were at risk of losing their lives.

Upon receiving the alert, Senator Nyonblee Karngar-Lawrence quickly coordinated with her team and took action. She instructed her security personnel to find a fuel seller and arrange for fuel delivery to the hospital.

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After several attempts, one fuel seller agreed to open his gas station, and the senator’s team quickly arranged for the delivery of fuel.

Thanks to the quick actions of Senator Lawrence and her team, the hospital’s generator was restarted, and the patients were provided with oxygen support. The senator expressed her gratitude to her team, the fuel seller, and the doctor who helped in the process.

There has been so much praise from the public since madam karnga-Lawrence reported the situation.

Public Reaction

Kous Bility

“Many thanks to God and my VP in waiting for this great intervention, madam Senator you are a blessing to the people of Bassa and Liberia, we are blessed to have you as our leader.”

Thankful Johnson

“Many thanks to the political leader of the great Liberty party for her effort.”

Leta Riddell

“God has given you the heart for His children and the calling He has placed on your life and you do it with such grace. Praying continued strength, provision and protection over you as you continue to be attentive to the needs of people. Thanking God for you.”

Sebastain Baryogar

“Thanks a lot,but for those who see u as Senator dont know but you are a Mother n being Mother you are expectional…thanks a lot.”

The incident at LGH in Buchanan serves as a wake-up call for the government to address the long-standing issues faced by hospitals in the country. 

The government needs to take immediate action to provide adequate resources and support to hospitals to ensure that they can provide timely and effective healthcare services to patients.

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